Frequently Asked Questions

Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago
Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago
Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago
Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago
Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago
Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago

General Questions

Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago
Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago
Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago

For Host & Providers

What can I list on OnSetters?

Get ideas on what you can list and rent to filmmakers & creators

Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago
Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago
Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago

For Guests, Renters & Customers

Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago
Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago
Written by iBoss Entertainment
Updated 1 year ago